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Edison J. Padilla

Photo of me

Hello, I'm Edison, I started in the world of software in 2019 when I had finished high school, I didn't know what to study since in my country it is typical to finish a university degree and not find a job opportunity; I found my brother, he showed me the world of computing, including web and mobile development, from that day I began to educate myself with Udemy, Youtube and FreeCodeCamp.

There are a lot of technologies to learn in the world of software, I have specialized in Frontend (Web and Mobile) and Backend development. I am very motivated to continue learning, and thus continue to contribute with my knowledge in a positive way to both companies and communities

In this website I will be writing some blogs and showcase my projects. I believe that writing what I have learned is the best way to remember things, and I can share my knowledge along the way. So do contact me and I will be very happy to help!

Current Favorite Tech Stack


Do contact me if you need my opinion about web development, especially frontend works. I’ll be happy to help! (find my email in the footer)